Virtuosic Vocals – A Bel Canto recital

Virtuosic Vocals 12th-18th century

Tea, treats and recital of music, tracing the roots of Bel Canto from the 12th-18th centuries.

Saturday, October 14th 2017 – 3:00 p.m.

St. George’s Hall, Wellington Street, Kingston Tickets are available for purchase online by clicking HERE

Jameson Wood

Jameson Wood - Founder & Brand Consultant

Jameson is a jack of all trades and master at most. Jameson will take care of website design & domain services, as well as the business consulting side of things including, social media/marketing strategies. He can even bring out the old DJ in him if need be! Jameson loves to bring his dogged determination to the table to execute his tasks in the fastest possible time he can muster.

Venetian Carnevale Fundraiser 2018


Sound Ground – Baroque Chaconnes and Ostinato Basslines